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The Regional Activities Committee supports and advises the Regional Management Board.

Regional Activities Committee

Laura Archer MRTPI

SE Chair and Senior Planner, Gillings Planning

Simon Taylor MRTPI

SE Immediate past-chair and Senior Planning Officer, DLUHC

William Sparling

SE Honorary Secretary and Senior Planing officer, South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils

Joney Muriel Ramirez Soto MRTPI

SE Honorary Treasurer and Principal Planner, RPS

Claire Tester MRTPI

GA representative and Planning Policy Manager, South Downs National Park Authority

Young Planners Representatives

Zac Denton

SCYPN Chair and Planner, Lewis and Co Planning

Melissa Balk

TVYPN Chair and Senior Planning Manager, Davidsons Homes South Midlands

Izzie Drohan

TVYPN Vice-chair and Transport Planner, Paul Basham Associates

Alexander Payne MRTPI

Kent Young Planner Co-chair and Associate Planner, DHA Planning

Planning Aid England Representative

Joney Muriel Ramirez Soto MRTPI

SE Honorary Treasurer and Principal Planner, RPS

Other Regional Activities Committee members

Tony Chadwick MRTPI

Principal Transport and NSIP Project Manager, Gravesham Borough Counci

Stefania Petrosino MRTPI

Senior Planner, Savills

Dr Christopher Maidment MRTPI

Lecturer in Planning, University of Reading

Roger Smith MRTPI

Planning Director, Savills

Andrew Coleman MRTPI

Senior Lecturer, University of Brighton

Roger Kirkham MRTPI


Connor Sheffield

Planner, Barton Willmore (now Stantec)

Amy Powell MRTPI

Senior Planner, Edgars Ltd

Dr Mark Dobson AssocRTPI

Lecturer in Planning & Development, University of Reading

Lauren Parsons

Student and Planning Consultant, Parker Dann

Peter Home MRTPI

Director, Gillings Planning

Alexander Payne MRTPI

Kent Young Planner Co-chair and Associate Planner, DHA Planning

Joseph Maphosa MRTPI

Strategic Land Manager,Metis Homes

George Smale

Planning Officer, Epsom and Ewell Borough Council