Each year the RTPI South West Chair presents a special award during the annual RTPI South West Awards for Planning Excellence celebration based on their theme for the year.
In 2024, our Chair’s theme was 'people and places'. And, with that in mind, the 2024 Chair Alexis Edwards chose to recognise the 'unsung heroes of planning' - those planners that go above and beyond, rarely seeking the limelight and who are the keystone to keeping teams motivated, achieving personal success for themselves, and their organisation. They could have been a role model, a mentor or someone who has delivered a great project.
We were delighted by the range of nominations received from colleagues, Managers, Chief Planners and even clients.
The nominees were all recognised at the South West Summer Reception which took place on the 25 June 2024 at Somerset County Cricket Ground in Taunton.
The 2024 results were as follows:

Daniel Tyrrell, Wiltshire Council

Daniel Tyrrell, Wiltshire Council
"Daniel Tyrrell is an Enforcement Officer at Wiltshire Council who loves to make a difference for the county’s communities.
He has a large and varied caseload, but this doesn’t stop him from taking the time to communicate clearly with all stakeholders, while also supporting his team and other colleagues who need advice.
Daniel is passionate about his work and thrives on achieving what is fair and reasonable for Wiltshire communities. Working quietly but diligently in the background, Daniel demonstrates a passion for ensuring that unauthorised development in Wiltshire is given the attention it deserves. In a role that can be fraught with conflict, Daniel navigates through challenging situations using clear communication and adopting a fair and pragmatic approach, thanks to his excellent knowledge of planning law and local policies.
Daniel is extremely thorough and takes on complex and challenging cases without complaint. His professional manner means that he is respected by all parties, and this has resulted in him successfully defending multiple high profile enforcement appeals. In fact, Daniel has never lost an enforcement appeal for Wiltshire Council.
Nic Thomas, Wiltshire Council’s Director of Planning, speaks highly of Daniel’s thorough and attentive approach: “Daniel has a passion for planning enforcement and goes above and beyond to get the right result. He carries out his duties robustly, with careful attention to detail. He has a perfect track record with court prosecutions and defending planning enforcement appeals. I could not recommend Daniel highly enough for an unsung hero award; he is a thoroughly deserving candidate.”
Cllr Nick Botterill, Cabinet Member for Planning, said: “I am always impressed with how Daniel is able to manage challenging situations that are causing concern to the community, always ensuring that there is regular communication and transparency in his work. He is a credit to the organisation."
Nominated by Nic Thomas, Director of Planning at Wiltshire Council

Amelia Elve, Somerset Council
Highly Commended

Amelia Elve, Somerset Council
Highly Commended
"As a Planning Technician (October 2014) she single handedly carried out registration maintaining targets efficiently, always happy to go the extra mile, picking up householder or simple applications for development. She was appointed CIL/Section 106 Officer (October 2017) before moving to a Planning Officer (November 2020).
During Covid she adjusted her working hours (early morning and late night) to ensure childcare for her toddler. She continued to deliver as part of the team, supporting others through mental health challenges. She started Planning and Urban Leadership MSc at UWE maintaining a high turnover, remote planning committees and home schooling.
During her time as CIL/106 and Planning Officer she carried out additional work in registration to support the newer team and relieve pressure on the service clearing backlogs. She is the first to support others or pick up extra work on behalf of the wider team and is a point of expertise in respect of registration queries.
Prior to going Unitary a ‘Knowledge Exchange’ group was set up originally comprising 'junior' planners from each district. Milly has actively shared her knowledge and understanding with this group providing wider growth for the Authority.
Milly was promoted to a Senior Planning Officer in March 2023 completing her Masters in June the same year. For the last 6 months she has been the sole Senior Officer (1 out of 4) due to long term sick. She has maintained her composition and still supports others, currently mentoring the Graduate and Apprentice Planners that we took on end of last year and supporting the evolution of the planning technicians to enable them to process fast track applications.
Milly is paired through the RTPI South West Mentoring programme with a planning agent and is currently working towards her APC submission.
You will not find a more committed team member."
Nominated by Dawn de Vries, Somerset Council

Richard Daone, Bath and North East Somerset Council
Highly Commended

Richard Daone, Bath and North East Somerset Council
Highly Commended
"Richard has been integral to the development of planning policy in Bath and North East Somerset Council for the past 2 decades. His passion for planning is evident from the way he works tirelessly to bring about positive change through the creation of innovative and ambitious new plans and policies. His knowledgeable, friendly and engaging manner means that he quickly earns the respect of all those involved in the plan making process, including councillors, members of the public, planning peers and inspectors.
He has successfully lead the policy team through the adoption of the Local Plan Partial Update and its many ground-breaking policies designed to address the Council’s declaration of a climate and ecological emergency. This included one of the most progressive sustainable construction/energy use policies in the UK (SCR6 Net zero homes) and early adoption of biodiversity net gain, a full year ahead of the statutory regime coming into force. Watching Richard calmly and expertly respond to the inspector during the EiP, all whilst under heavy scrutiny from various vested interests, was a joy to behold and made me proud to be a planner in Bath and North East Somerset.
He now leads the team towards the creation of a New Local Plan and is already demonstrating his ability to bring stakeholders together around a common cause, generously giving his time to patiently explain and discuss the planning issues being grappled with to anyone who asks.
Never seeking the limelight, Richard has been a mainstay of the planning service for many years and provides the policy team with confident and reassuring leadership. They are clearly inspired by his example and I cannot think of any more deserving of the chair’s unsung hero award"
Nominated by Christopher Griggs-Trevarthen, BANES
"Richard is the epitome of an unsung hero of planning. He has worked diligently at Bath and North East Somerset Council for almost 30 years, and is now Deputy Head of Planning (Policy), heading up the planning policy team.
He provides an incredibly in-depth knowledge of planning policy, set within a broader appreciation of the factors that shape the built environment and the wellbeing of communities.
His calm, collected and thorough approach to Plan-making provides others within the Council with the confidence required to make difficult decisions within a very complex system.
Richard is incredibly hardworking and committed, always ensuring that very tight deadlines are met and accomplished to the highest standard.
The level of support he provides to team members is second to none. He motivates and inspires officers to take ownership of their own areas of work but is always available to provide unwavering support whenever required.
Richard is forward thinking and continuously strives to ensure preparation of policies which transform the District for the better. In 2019, the Council declared climate and ecological emergencies, with the ambition of the District being carbon neutral by 2030. Richard led the team to push boundaries through the preparation of a Local Plan Partial Update, delivering a national first through the implementation of a new net zero housing policy that creates truly net zero new-builds at scale, transforming B&NES to a district requiring the highest level of sustainable construction.
One of Richard’s greatest traits is his modesty. Despite his countless successes in Plan-making and other policy related work over the years, he always attributes success to the collective efforts of the policy team and wider Council services, creating a positive and supportive environment for everyone who works with him."
Nominated by the Policy Team at Bath and North East Somerset Council

Jozie Bannister, Devonshire Homes

Jozie Bannister, Devonshire Homes
"Jozie communicates great and I think is changing the historic pattern of developers hiding behind agents and not talking with councils. She is very communicative and wants to talk with locals, she sent her business card to all my neighbours and set up events to meet us about a development in the field over. Residents feel heard with Josie which is proper rare and I hope makes the councils life easier too, not many folk trust developers but she’s got integrity and has followed through on everything she’s said.
I know she’s recently got permission for 320 houses in Penzance which was a huge success, she managed it incredibly well. It all gets so political and she sorted out a strategy that made it better for everyone, she encouraged engagement and talked with officers and Councillors so proper transparent. That weren’t an easy one but she juggled pressures of the business, demands of the council and resistance from some well off locals very well.
Josie’s successfully managing applications for 350 houses in Ilfracombe and, alongside it, is delivering a community building to be a sports hub for the pitches Devonshire Homes will build. She secured some grant money for this from Government and has been working really hard to make it happen for the community. I know she’s been engaging with the town council, sports clubs and working closely with the council for the best result. This will be a big asset for Ilfracombe when its done.
She’s had some cracking results at Devonshire Homes with creative solutions to problems and she’s a great ambassador for planning. Josie knows her stuff and is a great communicator, making everyone feel heard and involved. What she’s doing for housebuilding and planning in general, I wish more people did. She’s honest, has time for everyone and has knowledge beyond her years, she’s incredibly humble and really deserves this recognition."
Nominated by a Client

Katie Graham, Plymouth City Council

Katie Graham, Plymouth City Council
"Katie is a consummate planning professional who has driven forward major transformational projects through the planning system such as The Box, the regeneration of Millbay and various large-scale developments in the city centre, most notably the re-use of the former Council offices in the listed civic centre, to mention just a few.
Katie takes a proactive positive approach and brings forward innovative solutions to secure planning consents for strategically important investment projects. She is regularly complimented by architects, developers and agents for her responsiveness and her ability to collaborate on finding solutions to detailed planning issues, whilst keeping the overall big picture in mind.
In addition to this, and one of the main reasons why she is definitely an un-sung hero, is that Katie is also an excellent Well-Being Champion and has played an instrumental role in promoting new initiatives for well-being for many years now. Well-Being Champions are voluntary positions working across the council to address health, well-being, and safety issues in addition to, in her case, an extensive planning caseload. She is a strong advocate for colleagues on health and well-being matters within the department, but also across the council as a whole. Post-COVID, well-being is a major issue for people in planning and Katie has recognised this by working with HR and the departmental management team to develop a Well Being Charter containing specific, practical commitments to all planning staff.
In recognition of her dedication, commitment, and professionalism, she was appointed the Strategic Development Manager earlier in the year and now is helping drive forward further modernisation of the department to respond to the recent planning reforms.
Katie deserves to be recognised as an un-sung hero because she demonstrates all the attributes of modern public service with a strong public value ethos."
Nominated by Paul Barnard, Plymouth City Council

Ruaridh O'Donoghue, Wiltshire Council

Ruaridh O'Donoghue, Wiltshire Council
"Ruaridh began his career as a graduate Enforcement Officer who, over the years, has worked his way up to Senior Planning Officer in the development management team at Wiltshire Council, a position he has held for some time.
Ruaridh’s confidence and experience have grown considerably over the years. His positive outlook, willingness to help others, and passion to do a great job is an inspiration to others in the team, particularly those starting out in their planning career.
He willingly picked up several public inquiries involving complex five-year land supply issues and handled them admirably. He has also dealt with complex major planning applications, most recently the redevelopment of Innox Mills – a key brownfield, former industrial site in a prime location in Trowbridge. Ruaridh successfully navigated complex planning issues around flooding, contamination, transport links and heritage, and worked with stakeholders to secure improvements to the scheme, such as cycling and pedestrian links to other parts of the town. The result will be a high-quality, mixed-use residential and commercial scheme that will bring numerous social, economic and environmental benefits.
He also mentors staff, passing on his knowledge and experience to others, regularly providing help and assistance to anyone in the team who needs it. He is never one to complain and is a team player that can be relied on to do what is required of him – the very definition of an unsung hero.
Nic Thomas, Wiltshire Council’s Director of Planning, recognises Ruaridh as a key part of the council’s Development Management service: “Ruaridh has developed into a highly competent officer and is a real asset to the team. He goes about his duties in a calm and professional manner, putting his colleagues and our customers at ease. An unsung hero award would be very much deserved."
Nominated by Nic Thomas, Director of Planning at Wiltshire Council

Simon Nott, Wiltshire Council

Simon Nott, Wiltshire Council
"Simon is a passionate local government planner and shining example of the diverse background planners can grow from. He is an inspiration to aspiring planners, with his determination and desire to deliver for a sustainable Wiltshire and develop professionally.
Simon started at Wiltshire Council in 2015 as an Assistant Planning Officer and soon became the bedrock that underpins all strong planning services: an effective communicator with aptitude for using technology to deliver effective consultations and a desire to optimise working practices.
Since then, Simon has risen to the role of Senior Planning Officer, and is a highly regarded, experienced and integral member of the Strategic Planning team.
Despite not having an undergraduate degree, Simon embraced practical experience and developed a solid depth of understanding and skills in plan-making, contributing to the adoption of multiple plans. Simon became MRTPI in 2023, having achieved his master’s degree in planning through an apprenticeship. He regularly mentors staff, passing on his knowledge and skills, and using his own upward journey through the council to inspire and develop others.
Simon’s outstanding qualities and commitment to the profession are also demonstrated through his drive for a technology-driven approach to plan making. He has worked with our supplier to develop bespoke software solutions and improve the management of consultations through digital engagement and reporting, leading to the council being recognised as a leader in this field.
Nic Thomas, Wiltshire Council’s Director of Planning, has been impressed by Simon’s progression over the past few years: “Simon has a positive, can-do attitude, carrying out his duties with enthusiasm and creativity. He has taken on many different projects over a short period, including presenting to large groups and leading at local plan consultation events. He is a fantastic team player and someone I highly recommend for an unsung hero award."
Nominated by Nic Thomas, Director of Planning at Wiltshire Council

Steve Boyt, Dorset Council

Steve Boyt, Dorset Council
"Steve is a planner who is very modest and does not seek the limelight, but whose integrity, dedication and professionalism are exemplary and highly valued by everyone he works with. Key projects he has been instrumental in delivering include:
- SFRA level 1 for Dorset Council – this is a key piece of work that has been complex and challenging and has required extensive partnership working with the EA and LLFRA. The SFRA also includes a browser-based map that is interactive, rather than pdf maps, making it far more useful to officers and developers. Steve has also prepared a DM practice note for officers to explain how to use it in practice, including advice on the sequential test. He has also worked extensively on SFRA 2 for Weymouth – a vital piece of work that will have big implications for planning.
- Nutrient neutrality: Steve has been helping to review the existing strategy for Poole Harbour and how we transition to the new position. He has also worked extensively on delivery opportunities to mitigate impacts.
- Purbeck Local Plan has been a long-standing saga caught up in the need to find an alternative package of heathland mitigation projects and to address the change in circumstances following nutrient neutrality, which affected most of the planned housing in Purbeck during the examination. We are close to getting the inspector’s report (fact checking in progress) and to secure a sound plan will be a major achievement.
Steve would be a reluctant but highly worthy recipient of your award and would want it be known that he was accepting it on behalf of the wider team effort!"
Nominated by Mike Garrity, Dorset Council

Suzanne D'Arcy, South Gloucestershire Council

Suzanne D'Arcy, South Gloucestershire Council
"Suzie is an unsung hero of planning because she is genuinely passionate and goes above and beyond to promote the impact and importance of planning. She has an amazing enthusiasm for planning and shares this within the DM team and the wider planning service and is always putting forward ideas to improve our service or for staff to improve themselves. She is never afraid to put her head above the parapet and challenge processes if she believes there is a better way to do something.
Some highlights that demonstrate her proactive attitude include the setting up a fast-track service for our accredited agents to allow their applications to be determined in 6 weeks rather than the statutory 8. This has improved relations with our regular agents and our service targets. Following feedback from agents, she re-designed the pre-application advice service to ensure that the responses were more helpful to customers.
Suzie leads by example and encourages people to strive in their careers. She is a mentor to junior members and inspires them to tackle more complex applications and pursue their own interests in planning. She is empathetic and adjusts the level of supervision she gives junior members to suit their needs.
Suzie is innovative in her approach to the promotion of planning in the wider community. She is working with our youth participation team to give young people opportunity to be involved in the planning process. The first stage of this is writing a series of principles for planning officers to consider when designing open space areas for young people.
But it’s not just about the work – it’s the impact she has on the team. The small things such as arranging birthday cards for everyone that make the team ‘tick’. She really makes a difference and deserves to be recognised."
Nominated by Marie Bath, South Gloucestershire Council
We are delighted to advise that the 'Unsung Planning Hero' Award will continue each year with nominations received in Spring 2025 (details to be shared in due course). Alexis Edwards, RTPI South West Chair 2024 (pictured left), has kindly donated a shield which will recognise each years winner and will be passed onto the new winner at its yearly presentation.
Pictured right is Daniel Tyrrell, Wiltshire Council winner of the 2024 Award with his co-worker Chris Horan