UG = undergraduate course
PG = postgraduate course
Please note: in order to follow the Licentiate (‘fast-track’) pathway to Chartered Membership of the RTPI, graduates of partially accredited programmes must complete an accredited top-up qualification. Those completing a spatial-only degree must follow this with a specialist qualification; those completing specialist-only degrees must then 'top-up' their learning with a further qualification.
Those graduating with fully accredited degrees can proceed straight to Licentiate Membership.
Fully accredited
MSc in Town Planning (PG)
MSc in Town Planning (Chartered Town Planner Apprenticeship) (Degree Apprenticeship)
Fully accredited
MSc Urban and Regional Planning (PG)
MSc Urban and Regional Planning (Degree Apprenticeship)
At present, the University of Birmingham is only enrolling levy payers for the apprenticeship pathway.
Partially Accredited
BSc Geography and Urban and Regional Planning (UG) - Spatial
Fully accredited
MSc Town Planning (PG)
MSc Town Planning (Degree Apprenticeship)
At present, the University of Brighton is only enrolling levy payers for the apprenticeship pathway.
Fully accredited
Fully accredited
MSc Urban and Rural Planning (PG, distance learning)
Partially accredited
PGDip Urban and Rural Planning (PG, distance learning, spatial)
Fully Accredited
Fully accredited
Master of Planning - MPlan - (UG)
MA Town and Regional Planning (PG)
MA Town & Regional Planning (Chartered Town Planner Apprenticeship) (Degree Apprenticeship entry point 2) - Currently paused. Contact university for further information.
Partially accredited
BA (Hons) Human Geography and Planning (UG, spatial)
MA Urban Design (PG, specialist)
MA Housing, Regeneration and Urban Management (PG, specialist)
Fully accredited
Town and Regional Planning (MPlan) (UG)
Town and Regional Planning (MCD) (PG)
Urban Design and Planning (MCD) (PG)
Partially accredited
MA Housing and Community Planning (PG, specialist)
Fully accredited
MA Town and Country Planning (PG)
MA Urban Design and Planning (PG)
PG Dip Chartered Town Planner (Degree Apprenticeship - Entry point 1)
MA Chartered Town Planner (Degree Apprenticeship – Entry point 2)
MA Chartered Town Planner (Urban Design) (Degree Apprenticeship – Entry point 2)
Partially accredited
BA (Hons) Urban and Environmental Planning (UG, spatial)
PG Dip Town and Country Planning (PG, top-up to BA)
Fully accredited
Master of Planning (MPlan) (UG)
Master of Planning and Real Estate (MPRE) (UG)
MSc Planning (PG)
MSc in Urban Design and International Planning (PG)
Partially accredited
BSc (Hons) Planning and Real Estate (UG, spatial)
MSc in Global Urban Development and Planning (PG, specialist – fully accredited if certain modules are taken; please check with the institution)
MSc in Urban Regeneration and Development (MAURD) (PG, specialist – fully accredited if certain modules are taken; please check with the institution)
MSc in Environmental Impact Assessment and Management (MSc EIAM) (PG, specialist)
Fully accredited
MPlan (First 3 years - spatial) + Placement Year with Certificate in Planning Practice + final year of MPlan (specialism either in Regeneration, Conservation or in Environmental Planning) (UG) Completion of all five years of the MPlan is required to attain full RTPI accreditation
Master of Architecture and Urban Planning (Urban Design)
M-AUP (Urban Design) (First 3 years) + Certificate in Planning Practice + final year M-AUP (Urban Design) – Completion of all five years of M-AUP (Urban Design) is required to obtain full RTPI accreditation. Please note, students wishing to take this programme should apply to the BA Architecture and Urban Planning and can then transfer to the M-AUP programme between 2nd and 3rd year.
MSc Urban Planning (PG)
Partially accredited
BA in Urban Planning (UG, spatial)
Postgraduate Diploma in Spatial Planning (PG, spatial)
Fully accredited
MSc Infrastructure Planning and Sustainable Development (PG)
MSc Spatial Planning (Degree Apprenticeship) (PG)
Partially accredited
BA (Hons) Urban Design, Planning & Development (UG, spatial)
BSc (Hons) Property Development and Planning (UG, spatial)
Diploma in Planning (PG, spatial) NB: also accepted as the 'top-up' to either of the Oxford Brookes UG qualifications
MSc / Diploma in Environmental Impact Assessment and Management (PG, specialist)
MSc / Diploma in Historic Conservation (PG, specialist)
MA / Diploma in Urban Design (PG, specialist)
Fully accredited
BSc in Real Estate with MSc/Diploma in Urban Planning and Development (UG+PG)
Fully accredited
MPlan in Urban Studies and Planning (UG)
Students who successfully complete the first 3 full-time years, but not all 4 years, of the MPlan are awarded a BA Urban Studies and Planning, which is a RTPI-accredited undergraduate spatial qualification.
MSc Urban and Regional Planning (PG)
MA Urban Design and Planning (PG)
Partially Accredited
BA Urban Studies and Planning Spatial (UG)
Fully accredited
MSc Urban Planning (PG)
Certificate in Urban Planning + Advanced Diploma in Urban Planning + MSc Urban Planning (Degree Apprenticeship, UG entry)
MSc in Urban Planning (Degree Apprenticeship, PG entry)
Fully accredited
MPlan City Planning (PG)
MSc Spatial Planning (PG)
MSc Spatial Planning (Degree Apprenticeship)
MSc International City Planning (PG)
MSc in Urban Design and City Planning (PG)
MSc International Real Estate and Planning (PG)
The MSc IREP is only fully accredited if certain spatial planning modules are taken. If the pathway is not taken in full, then the degree is partially (Specialist) accredited - Please check with the institution.
The MSc UR is only fully accredited if certain spatial planning modules are taken. If the pathway is not taken in full, then the degree is partially accredited - Please check with the institution
Partially accredited
BSc Urban Planning, Design and Management (UG, spatial)
Graduates of the BSc Urban Planning, Design and Management must complete a specialist Diploma qualification, such as those listed below, to obtain full RTPI accreditation
BSc (Hons) in Urban Planning and Real Estate (UG, spatial)
Graduates of the BSc Planning and Real Estate must complete a specialist Diploma qualification, such as those listed below, to obtain full RTPI accreditation
Diploma/MSc Housing and City Planning (PG, specialist)
Diploma/MSc in Transport and City Planning (PG, specialist)
Diploma/MSc Sustainable Urbanism (PG, specialist)
Diploma/MSc Infrastructure Planning, Appraisal and Development (PG, specialist)
Fully accredited
BA (Hons) Architecture and Planning (UG)
MSc Urban Planning (PG)
MSc Planning and Urban Leadership (PG; distance learning)
Certificate in Urban Planning Practice + MSc Urban Planning (Degree Apprenticeship, UG entry, from autumn 2020)
MSc Urban Planning (Chartered Town Planner Apprenticeship) (Degree Apprenticeship, PG entry)
Partially accredited
BSc (Hons) Urban Planning (UG, spatial)
Fully accredited
MA in Urban and Regional Planning (PG)
MA Urban and Regional Planning (Degree Apprenticeship) (PG)
MA International Planning and Sustainable Development (PG)
Partially accredited
MA Urban Design (PG, specialist)
BA Urban Planning and Design (UG, Spatial)