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Returning Minister must work with Planners for effective implementation of planning reform

The Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) will write to the Minister of State for Housing and Planning Lee Rowley MP, highlighting the need to work quickly to deliver Government’s planning reform.

Victoria Hills, Chief Executive of the RTPI, said: “Rachel MacLean MP proved herself to be a keen supporter of the planning profession, calling for increased resources to the planning system and acknowledging the hurdles planners face at our recent national conference. I want to sincerely thank the dedication she showed in her role.

“Her departure leaves behind important work, which the returning Housing Minister will need to progress with quickly to implement the Government’s planning reform.

“We are committed to ensuring that the planning system receives the recognition and resources it needs to create and shape communities that citizens can take pride in. Our recent ‘It Takes Planners &’ campaign, highlights the need for Ministers to champion planners so that our planning system can continue to create liveable, healthy communities.

“As we welcome Lee Rowley MP back to the department as Minister of State for Housing and Planning, I urge him to take forward Rachel’s hard work to continue building a stronger planning system for the future.”

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Housing Minister Lee Rowley with RTPI President Sue Bridge

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