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Could you be the next RTPI CAP representative?

There is a fantastic opportunity for a Chartered Member to become the next RTPI representative for the Commonwealth Association of Planners (CAP). The RTPI is accepting self-nominations from chartered members to run in the elections for RTPI Representative for the Commonwealth of Planners (CAP) for the 2023-2025 term.

The Commonwealth Association of Planners (CAP) is a voluntary association of national planning organisations from 30 Commonwealth countries focussing on developing the skills of urban and regional planners to meet the challenges of urbanisation and sustainable development of human settlements and promote the shared goals of democracy, development and peace across Commonwealth countries.

The RTPI Representative will represent the Institute within CAP and support the Association in its advocacy work with other Commonwealth and global organisations.

Read about the inspiring testimony of Ian Tant about volunteering with CAP: If the CAP fits, wear it and apply now!

To apply please send a CV and a 500 word statement to [email protected] by 1st March 2023 clearly referencing your membership number. The RTPI Nominations Sub-Committee will select the candidate.

Read the role description here.

For enquiries on the application process write to [email protected]

For enquiries about the role write to [email protected]

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