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Planning is Global 3 highlights the role of planners in addressing global water challenges

Planning is Global 3, a publication by the RTPI, has been launched today at a COP28 'fringe event' reception in Dubai.

The publication highlights the crucial role of planning in addressing global water challenges. These challenges include water supply, sanitation, flooding, drought, and rising sea levels.

Planning is Global 3 is the latest edition of the series, which uses case studies to explore the benefits of planning around the world.

The Climate Smart Urban Development in Mpigi District, Greater Kampala, Uganda, case study in Planning is Global 3 demonstrates how planners responded to the expansion of Greater Kampala's Metropolitan Area. They designed appropriate spatial planning for development that would ensure adequate water supply and sanitation capacity for the projected population growth.

The Wadi Hanifah Environmental Rehabilitation Project in Riyadh case study showcases how planners integrate urban and environmental planning to address the risk of flash floods. The project involves restoring the valley, re-grading the banks of dry riverbeds, and re-planting natural flora.

These examples highlight the tireless work of planners around the world. They provide effective place-based solutions to improve people's lives and address the many challenges presented by water in a changing climate.

Sue Bridge, President of the Royal Town Planning Institute, said: “Climate change poses an existential threat across the planet and it will take collective, global efforts to address the challenge.

"However, while there are clear reasons to be concerned, we can all work collaboratively to foster new opportunities, innovative ideas and groundbreaking technologies, to shape a more resilient world whilst meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals.”

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Aerial view of part of Nsimbe (CIG Uganda Construct)

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Wadi Hanifah (Buro Happold)

Victoria Hills, Chief Executive of the Royal Town Planning Institute, added: “If we want to deliver the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals sufficiently, effectively, and in time to meet Net Zero ambitions, we will need the innovation and sustainable solutions of planners.

"This is just a small sample of how planners, our members, and the teams they work with have tackled the world’s water challenges. I would implore you to consider involving RTPI planners in addressing these water challenges. I truly believe they are among the best in the world.”

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