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Future Planner Bursary (England) application


1) Complete the webform – incomplete forms may result in exclusion from selection process.

2) Submit a short personal statement in no more than 500 words which should cover:

  • your interest in planning and why you are pursuing this career (this could include current challenges that affect planning and for the future);
  • why you believe that you deserve the bursary (this could include resilience to overcome specific issues encountered in pursuit of education);
  • any evidence of relevant work experience.

3) Deadline for applications is Monday 10 July 2023.

Selection Process:

Candidates must meet all the eligibility criteria as indicated in the webform and submit the short, personal statement which should cover the criteria outlines above.

Applications for full time study will be prioritised in the selection process alongside the other eligibility criteria.

Incomplete webforms may result in exclusion from the selection process.

The RTPI reserves the right to apply additional selection criteria if there is a high volume of submissions.

Shortlisted applicants will be notified by the end of July with notifications to successful recipients and planning schools by end of August, before the academic term begins.

Data protection

The information you provide in this form will be held securely on the RTPI’s database and will be processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and Data Protection Act 2018. The RTPI will neither disclose, nor permit members of its staff to disclose, any confidential and/or personal information you provide unless required to do so by law.

Individuals pursuing the Level 7 Chartered Town Planner Apprenticeship are not eligible for this bursary.

Equality and diversity

The Institute regularly analyses the profile of its applicants in order to monitor the effectiveness of its policy for equality, diversity and inclusion. Although it is not compulsory to provide the following information, it will be an invaluable aid for the Institute to put in place mechanisms to ensure that it is representative of the UK population. This information will be held on the Institute’s database in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and 2018 Data Protection Act. It will be treated confidentially and will not be divulged to other parties.

If you selected 'any other' or 'other' ethnic group please provide more details