Congratulations to the following West Midlands Awards for Planning Excellence winners who have just been awarded an RTPI Awards for Planning Excellence national awards:
Excellence in Planning for Communities (large schemes of 50 or more) - Winner
Perry Barr Residential Scheme submitted by Birmingham City Council, Arcadis, and Arup
The Perry Barr Residential Scheme is an exemplar for urban growth and a catalyst for change in the city, demonstrating innovation in planning and delivery.
The judges’ comments:
Judges were highly impressed by this planner-led scheme and their use of modern and creative ways to engage a wider audience. Their methods were simple but extremely effective and would benefit all projects.

Young Planner of the Year - Winner
Joshua Singh - Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council
Joshua’s enthusiasm, passion and tenacity in making a difference to Sandwell residents and businesses is inspiring making him an ideal exemplar for future
young planners.
The judges’ comments:
Joshua’s outstanding commitment and passion is clearly demonstrated in his innovative work in regeneration and enforcement. As a role model for future Young Planners he will benefit the profession and the communities he works within. Joshua’s enthusiasm, passion and tenacity in making a difference to Sandwell residents and businesses is inspiring making him an ideal exemplar for future young planners.
Excellence in Planning for Heritage and Culture - Commended
Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings Main Mill and Kiln submitted by Historic England
Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings is the world’s first iron-framed building - its restoration provides a third century of use as an exhibition, café and commercial office.
The judges’ comments:
This project was commended for being an impressive example of how an important Grade I listed building can be reused to meet current requirements. The project demonstrates excellent planning practice and effective leadership and collaborative working, significant to the project’s success.
The national RTPI Awards for Planning Excellence are the culmination of a year-long national and international programme to celebrate the very best people, plan and projects. Thanks to our entrants, supporters, judges and sponsors.
View the full list of Awards for Planning Excellence winners in our winners’ brochure.
West Midlands Winners selected for national awards
Congratulations to the following West Midlands Awards for Planning Excellence winners who have been chosen as finalists in the RTPI Awards for Planning Excellence national awards:
Perry Barr Railway Station and Bus Interchange, submitted by Transport for West Midlands, West Midlands Combined Authority, West Midlands Rail Executive, SLC-AECOM Joint Venture - Excellence in Planning for a successful Economy
Perry Barr Residential Scheme, submitted by Birmingham City Council, Arcadis and Arup - Excellence in Planning for Communities (large schemes of 50 or more)
Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings Main Mill & Kiln, submitted by Historic England - Excellence in Planning for Heritage and Culture
The Burges & Hale Street, Coventry High Street Heritage Action Zone, submitted by Coventry City Council, Historic Coventry Trust, Historic England and Corstorphine + Write - Excellence in Planning for Heritage and Culture
South Staffordshire Council - Planning Authority of the Year
Delta Planning - Small Planning Consultancy of the Year
Joshua Singh - Young Planner of the Year
West Midlands Awards for Planning Excellence Winners
Congratulations to the West Midlands Awards for Planning Excellence winners 2023 who were announced at our awards dinner on Friday 30th June at Birmingham's Millennium Point. You can view the images from the night here - WM Ball and Awards | Flickr
- Small Planning Consultancy of the year - Delta Planning
- Best Project - Perry Barr Residential Scheme
- Planning Authority of the Year - South Staffordshire Council
- West Midlands Chair's Award - South Staffordshire Council
- Young Planner of the Year - Joshua Singh
The West Midlands Awards for Planning Excellence recognise and highlight the positive contribution planning professionals make in the communities we serve around the world.
Our 2024 awards
The entries for our 2024 awards will open in January 2024. Please contact Lucy Barton-Roberts for more information or to discuss sponsorship opportunities.