This page is your one stop spot for local RTPI News including Presidents Visits, Awards and Branchout. Branchout is your local newsletter keeping you up-to-date with RTPI South West news and planning issues and is published three times a year.
Please get in touch with any suggested articles.
Branchout - Winter 2024 (Final Edition)
Articles include:
- What does ‘material change of use’ mean in 2024?
- Harnessing AI in Planning: Opportunities & Potential Pitfalls
- Spotlight on Exeter
- Case Study: Award Winning Cornwall Council DPD
- Case Study: Award Winning Melville Phase 1
- Case Study: Transforming Gloucester with Kings Quarter & Greyfriars Quarter
- Cotswold District Council’s review of its Local Plan housing
- An Interview with Award Winning Jozie Bannister
- A tribute to Mike Oakley
- 46 Years of Branchout
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With trends changing to where members can access the latest planning information, readership of Branchout has declined in recent years. The Regional Management Board have decided to cease its production and focus on regular online blogs which will be shared via the E-New emails to members.
RTPI South West has a digital archive of Branchout all the way back to edition 1. If you would like any copies, please contact [email protected]
Branchout - Summer 2024
Articles include:
- Legal Update on the Finch vs Surrey CC case
- Digital Planning Showcase
- Spotlight on Wiltshire Council and their transformation programme
- Reflections from a Visiting Professor of Planning to Plymouth
- Swindon's Flagship Regeneration Scheme
- MSc Planning dissertation summary - Manning’s Pit vs Land to the East of Windsor Road: A case study of the effectiveness of public participation methods within the planning system (March 2024)
From July 22 - 25 it was an absolute privilege to host the RTPI President Lindsey Richards FRTPI with RTPI South West Chair Alexis Edwards on a tour of Dorset, Bournemouth and the Channel Islands taking time to meet with planners, hearing about the challenges, but also many successes.
On the Monday we started off with the Dorset Young Planners for a CPD on Planning Consultations and Engagement in Bournemouth with speakers Liz Willingham Chart.PR MCIPR, Lucy Pearce, Jennie Savage FRSA and Frances Summers talking about the importance of stakeholder engagement, Local Plan consultations and a great case study on gender inclusive design for Tower Hamlets. Lindsey led the conversation and questions on this topical subject.
Thank you to Amelia Rose, Phillippa Gatehouse and Lucy Morgan for organising.
On the Tuesday we traveled to Dorchester to meet with Head of Planning at Dorset Council UK Michael Garrity and representatives from across the planning team to discuss the journey from forming as a unitory authority back in 2019 to where they arenow and the success they have had with various funding for the areas developments. A walking tour discussed the furthering development in and around Brewery Square with Kirsten Williams and the positive affect this has had on the market town.
Then it was onward to Wimborne to meet with Tim Hoskinson at Wyatt Homes to talk about how they are driving success in the SME house building sector with a focus on design quality. A tour of their Rivers Edge Development, it was clear to see their attention to detail.
The next stop was hosted by Chapman Lily Planning Ltd to Canford SANG and the nearby Solar to Hydrogen project. It was great to see a positive natural asset for the local community and then how CANFORD RENEWABLE ENERGY LIMITED was driving forward clean energy.
Our final stop for this full day was back to Bournemouth to meet with BCP Council to meet with officers from planning, heritage, urban design, enforcement and housing teams along with Wendy Lane, Director of Planning and Transport. This was followed by a walking tour through Bournemouth town centre with Leader of the Council Millie Earl to see how this town was adapting to changes and enhancing its assets. Sites included the changes to various former department stores and the creation of mix use schemes and residential development. Thank you to Catherine Miles and Sophie Leon for leading the tour and sharing insights.
After our engagements in Dorset and Bournemouth, the next day after a very early start, we traveled over to the Channel Islands. The first stop was a day with the States of Guernsey and we were hosted by Jim Rowles, Director of Planning, Katie Lomax and Jayne Roberts. A round table discussion with both the planning team and local private sector planners about the challenges of planning did very much echo those of the UK with resourcing a key priority. A great tour of key development areas of the Island and St Peter Port really put the challenges into context, but also gave much to celebrate with the delivery of many community assets such as the bathing pools, connectivity to mix use development and redevelopment of sites into housing. Sites included Longue Hougue where waste is being managed, The Bridge and the Bathing Pools constructed back in 1844.
Whilst in Guernsey, a recording was taken with Lindsey Richards and Jim Rowles. See Visit of the Royal Town Planning Institute President 2024 - YouTube. It delivers a positive message about the value of planning and what a creative career it is for supporting our communities.Our final day was then over to Jersey which started with presentations led by Kevin Pilley, Head of Planning and Spatial Planning at Government of Jersey and Andrew Marx, Head of Development and Land, followed by roundtable discussions with colleagues and new trainees.
Tours included the Royal Square, States Assembly, Central Market, Millennium Park, residential regeneration at various sites including the brewery and retail changes at Snow Hill. A further tour looked at shoreline management at Havre des Pas, managing waste at La Collette, the changing St Helier Waterfront, a potential conservation area at St Aubin and then to Corbiere for a discussion about offshore wind.
An evening reception welcomed many colleagues in planning and the wider built environment for an address from Steve Luce, Minister for the Environment plus presentation & Q&A with Lindsey on where planning is today and our hopes for the future.The presidential visit was a packed few days, but it was important for us to give opportunities to members to meet face to face with the RTPI, listen to the challenges and hear about their planning achievements. Most importantly help them feel connected and the many opportunities with RTPI. We came away truly blown away and impressed with what planning is achieving for its communities and how each planner is should be truly proud despite the challenges.
Lindsey's next visits to the region will be in September to visit the planning school at University of the West of England of England and then the RTPI South West Annual Dinner in Bristol.
The Summer Reception is an annual celebratory event which has taken place for 3 years now since its successful pilot event back in 2022.
This years event took place on the 25 June at Somerset Cricket Club in Taunton and was joined by RTPI President Lindsey Richards and RTPI South West Chair Alexis Edwards.
This multiple celebratory occasion....Celebrated our new members...
We highlighted new Chartered members in the region including new Fellows, Associate and Honorary members and congratulated them on this important and valuable milestone in their career. We recognised the hard work they had all undertaken to gain their Chartered membership. It is a professional qualification to be proud of and the communities in which they serve will benefit from their high standards of practice, wealth of experience and dedication to your profession.
Presented lots of worthy Awards...We showcased the RTPI Awards for Planning Excellence 2024 finalists in the South West and announced the winners of Best Project, Best Plan, Small Consultancy of the Year, Planning Authority of the Year, Young Planner of the Year and Best in Region.
Council Council's Climate Emergency DPD entry collected the Best Plan and Best in Region Award. Read more about all the results here
The RTPI South West Chairs Award was presented...
This year, our Chair’s theme is 'people and places'. And, with that in mind, Chair Alexis Edwards chose to recognise the 'unsung heroes of planning' - those planners that go above and beyond, rarely seeking the limelight and who are the keystone to keeping teams motivated, achieving personal success for themselves, and their organisation. They could have been a role model, a mentor or someone who has delivered a great project.
We were delighted by the range of nominations received this year from colleagues, Managers, Chief Planners and even clients.
Daniel Tyrell, Enforcement Officer at Wilshire Council won the award with Amelia Elve, Somerset Council and Richard Daone from BaNES collected Highly Commended Awards
Appreciated our RTPI Volunteers...We took the time to recognise our local RTPI Volunteers. The activities we deliver here in the South West for our 2600 members are as the result of the ideas, enthusiasm and commitment of a range of volunteers to support the delivery activities for members but also raise the profile of planning.
We have over 70 volunteers just helping us here in the region with our activity programme including the Regional Management Board, Regional Activities Committee, Working Groups, the Judging Panel, Young Planners, careers Ambassadors and Mentors.
And that doesn’t include all the RTPI volunteers that commit their time to National RTPI standing committees and other volunteer opportunities such as the Board of Trustees, General Assembly, APC Assessing, Planning Aid and much more.
Supported by our Regional Coordinator Charlotte, activities include, but not limited to:- Our local CPD seminar programme which is now delivered hybrid to offer flexibility to members and extend our reach and knowledge sharing.~
- An online webinar programme which recently saw an impressive 470 join our Young planners led webinar on Appeals. I also chaired an equally popular webinar one of my topic favourites, ‘designing for cycle parking’
- We have recently launched of a Heads of Planning forum for the region to allow the sharing of best practice and key discussions on strategic priorities.
- The annual dinner, which is taking place in September this year.
- Showcasing planning success through the RTPI Awards programme
- Connecting with our partnership universities of UWE and Plymouth
- Connecting with other schools and colleagues through the volunteering of Ambassadors
- We have engaged over 3000 delegates and counting in these activities, but actually the output is much much wider in this as we work to champion the importance of planning to the public and the wider built environment.
- The opportunities are endless and we look forward to working with our volunteers to continue to build on this.
Whilst there are many career and networking benefits of volunteering, it’s also a great opportunity to form fantastic professional contacts, mentors and even friendships. We know that for many that have volunteered with us, it has given them the confidence and experience to take the next vital steps in their career.
A special Award went to Mike Oakley
A special award was presented to Mike in celebration of what will be 50 years of volunteering for the RTPI by the end of this year.
Mike has been serving on the South West Branch since 1975 and notes he has been in every role from Chairman to Secretary except for Treasurer so there is still time for that yet!Mike has also served on what was then called RTPI National Council and has been involved with the regional awards for 19 years. Mike is a great asset with a fountain of knowledge and always keen to support a range of projects and input his thoughts.
The event was kindly sponsored by Carrington West and the RTPI Awards for Planning Excellence was sponsored by Stride Treglown. - Our local CPD seminar programme which is now delivered hybrid to offer flexibility to members and extend our reach and knowledge sharing.~
Branchout - Spring 2024
Articles include:
- Legal Update
- Digital Planning Showcase
- Spotlight on Torridge District Council
- How local authorities are providing
housing 2023 report - RTPI South West Awards - where are they now?
- Clyst Valley Masterplan
Branchout - Winter 2023
Articles include:
- A Focus on Mental Health
- Take Pride in Planning
- Angharad Williams
- Harrison Moore - Theory of Planning
- Net Zero Carbon Homes at Rainbow Way, Minehead
- Digital Engagement in Neighbourhood Planning in Practice
- Planning the charge: a volte face?
- Marine Planning - Isle of Scilly
- RTPI South West Awards - where are they now?
- Bath and NE Somerset Council, The WaterSpace Project - Your Branch update
RTPI Presidents Visits 2023
3 July 2023 - Summer Reception, TauntonOn the 3rd July, hosted by our Chair Ian Perry, Head of Judges Graham Stephens and RTPI President Sue Bridge we held our annual Summer Reception. This event was about celebration and appreciation. We therefore not only announced the regional winners in the RTPI Awards for Planning Excellence but we also took time celebrate over 50 newly elected RTPI Members in the region and met many of those on the day (pictured centre and right). Its an important and valued milestone in all their careers to carry the mark of the profession and so we look forward to continuing these new member celebrations in the future.
Also as part of this event we took time to appreciate all our RTPI Volunteers in the South West. With over 70 members involved in helping us to raise the profile of the profession and organising activities for local members we were able to highlight the value of our volunteers. Pictured below left is some of our RTPI Volunteers in the region.
A key message of the day is to keep inspiring, create excellence and be proud of the difference you are making.
7-8 June 2023 - Teignbridge, Bath and BristolThe 7th and 8th June was RTPI President Sue Bridge's visit the South West of England, the second leg in her tour of Nations and Regions.
On the first day Sue visited Teignbridge where she heard about their design code work as one of the pathfinders. Sue heard from their consultant from LDA Design as well as officers and members of our Citizen’s Panel; a group of volunteers who have an interest in their area and sit on a group to help create the design code. Sue was very complimentary of the approach to the work with such close ties to the community; suggestions of such an approach being used elsewhere in Development Management decision making was mooted.
Following a delicious lunch where Sue met with some local young planners and shared career stories, the visit continued. Teignbridge DC took Sue to three sites which form part of the Council’s South West Exeter allocation; a multi-use urban extension of 2000 homes. They visited one of the many developer’s sites as well as the Ridge Top Park, a SANGS which overlooks much of the allocation and provides recreation and ecological benefits. Sue was impressed by how much had been achieved with the Park in such a short time and saw the Park as a real multifunctional asset for the community that exists and is in the process of being created. The 1st day was concluded by calling in at the new Marsh Barton railway station; this was co-funded by various stakeholders including Teignbridge District Council, Exeter City and Devon County. The station which opens on the 4th July will serve the large employment destination of Marsh Barton and significantly assist in a modal shift away from private motor vehicles.Day 2 of Sue's visit began in Bath
The morning gave Sue the chance to meet Bath & North East Somerset Council’s Head of Planning and Regeneration Team and learn about the challenges and opportunities of development and regeneration within a World Heritage city. Sue heard about the Milsom Quarter Masterplan, a project which will see the development of a new Fashion museum and brownfield sites alongside public realm investment. A community led £2.8m project to improve Midsomer Norton Town Centre was also presented alongside a short film about the High Street made by local children. The visit was concluded by a walk around the Milsom Quarter with representatives of Bath & North East Somerset Council and RTPI volunteers.
Over lunch, Sue visited the University of the West of England which currently has four fully accredited RTPI Planning Programmes, where she met a number of current and past students as well as staff. She heard about UWE's current planning research portfolio, with a particular spotlight on recent work on post-consent planning processes and design quality (recipient of the RTPI's Sir Peter Hall Award for Research Excellence!). Sue participated in a lively debate about the value of academic research and how to improve the research-practice interface, which included contributions from students, and planners from both the public and private sectors. She also visited the annual architecture showcase, which included work from students on the BA Architecture and Planning programme and met PhD student, Jenna Dutton, named as one of The Planner magazine's Women of Influence 2023.
During the afternoon Sue visited the Brabazon site, an ambitious arena development, former home to the hangars that saw the construction of the UK Concordes. Hosted by YTL, the visit looked at the masterplan visit for the site before undertaking a tour of the current development. Further information on this project can be found at : A Place That Changes Everything for Bristol | Brabazon
The busy day then concluded with the RTPI SW Annual Dinner attended by over 270 guests at the Delta Hotel by Marriott. Sue and Regional Chair Ian Perry hosted a table of Senior and Heads of Planning from Local Authorities.
If you would like to host the RTPI President for a visit and meetings in your area and showcase your team and local projects then please do get in touch as we work to plan the next visits for 2024 with incoming president Lindsey Richards.
Branchout - Spring 2023
Articles include:
- Message from the Chair
- Editor’s Blog
- Member News - Thank you to Kevin Phillips
- Congratulations to New Members
- Young Planners updates
- University Dissertations
- Mentoring
- Spotlight on Bath & North East Somerset Council
- Strategic planning - Catriona Riddell
- Make Space for Girls
- The wellbeing of Planners - We need to talk
- RMB/RAC Update
- Getting to know you - Cat Loveday & Adam Shepherd
- South West Events