Best Plan Winner
The Brent Local Plan 2019-2041
Entered by London Borough of Brent
Brent has a unique geography, stretching from the dense Victorian streets of Kilburn out into the sprawling Metroland suburbs of Queensbury. Our ambitions for growth have to respond to a range of different contexts and scales, as well as a range of social demographics. Our pro-active Local Plan places us in a very strong position to enable and facilitate this good growth. It is delivering quality homes in the right places along with the right supporting infrastructure and jobs to support our communities of today and tomorrow. Members and officers are proud of the Local Plan.
Best Plan Commended
LLDC Carbon Offset Fund Projects
Entered by London Legacy Development Corporation
The LLDC Getting to Net Zero SPD (October 2022) provides guidance on reducing carbon emissions within development and set the associated carbon price. It also sets out the detailed and innovative process for apply the funds raised. The application assessment process includes the need to demonstrate ‘co-benefits’ which encourage community focused projects and community involvement as part of a wider drive to achieve low carbon living. The Carbon Offset Fund can be accessed by projects when funding rounds are held. The first funding round was held during the summer of 2022 with a total of £2,104,615 allocated to 16 projects.