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12 November 2025 at 09:30 AM - 04:00 PM
The Exchange, Lancashire County Council, County Hall, Fishergate Hill, Preston, Lancashire, United Kingdom, PR1 8XB
Price from
RTPI North West | [email protected]

Core CPD Framework:

- Health & Wellbeing

- Placemaking and Design

- 5 CPD Hours





Event Description

What makes a healthy place? How can we plan to ensure that people that will live in places we plan and design for will have healthy lives? Can policies and decisions related to active travel, access to open space, housing for older people and connected neighbourhoods support health and well-being and reduce health inequalities?  Where does culture, localism and engagement come in? Plus, what about housing design? This sessions seeks to explore all these questions and more.

Programme tbc

• The venue is a very short walk away from Preston Station with regular trains from Carlisle, Leeds, Manchester and Liverpool
• Car Parking is available at nearby Fishergate Car Park (PN1 8BN)
• The venue is accessible by taxi 
Home - Lancashire County Council

In order to ensure everyone has the best possible experience, the RTPI is committed to delivering inclusive events.  To discuss access needs or any special requirements, please contact Bev Watson.

View our full programme of events here.

If you have any questions or issues with booking please contact Bev Watson.