This ever-popular annual event, once again hosted in conjunction with No 5 Chamber, will consist of presentations from their barristers on topical planning issues facing planning practice. The event will bring practitioners up to date with the latest planning legislation and proposed changes, national policy, appeals and legal challenges, with time for questions and answers with the speakers.
Morning : This session will provide an overview of national planning legislative; changes were applicable and an update on the implications of recent appeal/high court decisions. In addition, a detailed legal review of specific issues relating to planning will be undertaken which are considered topical at the time of the session.
Afternoon : The event aims to help those preparing for giving evidence at an Inquiry as well as those involved in the management of the Inquiry. The event will feature a Mock Inquiry to demonstrate the good and bad of giving evidence as well as some of the “tricks of the trade” employed by barristers in examining witnesses.
Leaning outcomes:
- Remain up to date with the latest developments in legislation - including expected reforms, the implementation of the Environment Bill and revisions to national policy
- Hear about the latest important case law
- Have opportunities to raise questions and discuss the topics of the day
In association with No5 Barristers Chamber