Core CPD Framework:
- Planning Law and Process
- 7 CPD Hours
Determining Planning Applications Part 2: Draft Conditions & Reasons for Refusal
Pursuant to the determination of applications, and the issue of Officer’s Reports, it is necessary to prepare draft planning conditions for any recommendation to approve, or reasons for refusal for any recommendation to refuse.
Preparing draft planning conditions, whether at application stage or pursuant to a planning appeal, is a key skill which, if not exercised properly, can have significant implications for LPAs, developers and the community whether by the threat of an otherwise lawful planning permission being quashed due to unlawful conditions, the imposition of unreasonable conditions being the subject of appeal or by conditions failing to secure what is needed to mitigate impacts on the local area.
Similarly, poorly drafted reasons for refusal can also have significant implications especially for LPAs when defending planning appeals but also for developers and the community in terms of understanding why applications have been refused and whether steps could be taken to address those concerns.
Learning outcomes
This webinar will take a close look at the legal and policy requirements for conditions and provide guidance to practitioners on best practice. It will also review the importance of drafting sound reasons for refusal.
At this event you will:
- Deepen your understanding of legal and policy requirements for conditions
- Become familiar with the common types of conditions
- Be offered practical tips on how to ensure legal and sound conditions
- Better grasp legal and policy requirement for reasons for refusal;
- Be given a practical tips for drafting reasons for refusal
Delivered by John Scott MRTPI, recently retired Director of Conservation and Planning at the Peak District National Park Authority, with over 30 years’ experience in both the public and private sector and Chris May LARTPI. Chris is a Legal Associate of the RTPI with over 15 years’ experience advising on all aspects of town planning and development law at law firms within the East Midlands. Currently Partner specialising in Planning Law at Freeths and previously a Partner in the Planning Law Team at Howes Percival LLP, having joined 5 years ago to create an East Midlands Planning Law team for the firm.
Opportunity for Q&A