Telecommuting and other trips: an English case study
Dr Hannah Budnitz
(University of Oxford, School of Geography and the Environment, Transport Studies Unit)
Co-authored by:
Dr Emmanouil Tranos (University of Bristol)
Prof Lee Chapman (University of Birmingham)
Research Description
This research proposes that the sustainability of telecommuters’ travel patterns is more dependent upon the accessibility of non-work activities than on the distance to the workplace for less frequent commuting journeys. Using the National Travel Survey for England 2009-2016, the travel of those who identify themselves as working from home at least once a week are compared to other working adults by measuring and modelling the number and purpose of trips within a week's travel diary, independent of distance or mode. We conclude that by proactively addressing the accessibility of non-work destinations, planners can help telecommuters travel sustainably.
Full Entry Title
Budnitz, H., Tranos, E. and Chapman, L. (2020) 'Telecommuting and other trips: an English case study'. Journal of Transport Geography, 85. 102713.
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