Susan Bridge FRTPI is the Chair of the Board and Vice President
We are acutely aware of the challenges faced by our members, and the Board of Trustees is committed to keeping membership fees as low as possible during this difficult time. That’s why, with the agreement of the General Assembly, the Board has limited the increase to 3%. For a Chartered member, that works out at just £10 extra per year. You can view our full list of rates here.
The increase will help us to meet rising costs and will enable us to continue to provide you with the representation, services and support you deserve. We’ll be sending your renewal letters in the post at the beginning of next month. They will include information on payment methods including direct debit, as well as reduced fees for members on a lower income, taking parental leave or claiming means tested benefits.
This year our extensive research programme has enabled us to continue to offer evidence-based solutions to unique challenges. For example, Rural Planning in the 2020s analysed issues facing rural communities and how land use planning can effectively support the delivery of sustainable development. Additionally, our research on Planning Agencies considered innovative ways that planners can create more resilient and effective planning services with fewer resources.
As we continue to emerge from the pandemic, we’ve also been able to offer a return to more in person events and it’s been fantastic to see so many members face to face. We’ve also got an exciting programme of CPD coming up in 2023 which we will be starting to launch shortly. I’m also particularly looking forward to the upcoming National Planning Conference. Thanks to you, we’re able to bring together speakers from across the industry to explore the most cutting-edge ideas in the world of planning today.
You belong to a community of over 27,000 planners. Going into 2023 we will continue to raise the profile of planning and advocate for the resourcing and recognition you deserve, fight for robust and research-led government policy, and give you access to a range of benefits for you and your career.